Thursday, March 3, 2022

ABCFT YOUnionews for February 4, 2022

ABCFT YOUnionews for February 4, 2022

ABC Federation of Teachers Executive Board and Site Representative Council Unanimously Vote to Approve a

 Work To Rule Campaign!

(Campaign starts on Monday, February 7th)

Click the picture above to hear Billy Bragg sing about the strength of the YOUnion!

KEEPING YOU INFORMED - Negotiations Update

Today, the ABCFT negotiating team met with the district to continue negotiations on the current compensation package for the 2021-2022 school year.  Unfortunately, we were not able to reach an agreement that was fair and equitable for our members. The ABCFT leadership remains steadfast in our commitment to protect teachers and nurses as you work tirelessly to support the students at your schools. This negotiation is not only about fairness and value, this negotiation is also about protecting the learning and working conditions of ABC students and staff. ABCFT supports and values the dedication and hard work that teachers, nurses, administrators, and classified support staff have tirelessly exhibited during this pandemic. If only the ABC School Board would do the same! The ABC School Board says they value employees by thanking us at board meetings but actions speak louder than words. However, they have the power to stop this labor dispute by reaching an agreement.

This newsletter will serve as a guide for members during this time of action.  This Work To Rule Campaign will send the ABC School Board trustees a strong message about the importance of labor peace. The site and program representatives will hold union meetings so members can better understand how you can support the work to rule campaign. 

In YOUnity.

ABCFT YOUnity - Work to Rule Campaign

When the negotiation process has reached a point when both sides are not in agreement a union can use a variety of strategies to draw attention and highlight the needs of its members. One of those strategies that is often implemented is what is called “work to rule.” At this moment the ABCFT Negotiating team and the ABCFT Leadership have worked together to discuss and agree to implement a “work to rule” strategy as a way to illustrate to administrators and the ABC School Board that teachers need to be valued for their service to the ABC community and the students they serve. Below is some helpful information about this deliberate job action and how members can participate in this job action in a safe and purposeful manner. 

Work to rule:

Working to rule is when ABCFT Unit Members follow the rules and hours of their workplace exactly in order to reduce their efficiency and output; doing no more than their contractual agreement requires.


  1. All unit members: be at your work site to fulfill your contractual duty day only as stated in the master contract Article VIII: Duty Day B.

    1. For elementary teachers, the duty day begins 10 minutes before the start of their instructional day and leaves campus at dismissal time. Continue to comply with the before/after school adjunct duty of student supervision.

    2. For secondary teachers, the duty day begins 30 minutes before the start of their instructional day and leaves campus at dismissal time. Continue to comply with the before/after school adjunct duty of student supervision.

    3. Nurses duty day is seven hours exclusive of a 30-minute duty-free lunch. 

    4. Speech and Language Specialists instructional day is 290 minutes a day inclusive of travel time.

    5. Itinerant special education teachers 290 minutes a day inclusive of travel time.

    6. TOSAs fulfill their service contract.

  1. Teachers: use your judgment when determining the timeliness for responding to and completing short-term independent contracts (STIS). The expectation of a 24 hour response time can be adjusted to fit your time restraints.  The amount and type of STIS student work should not mirror exactly the content being provided during in-person instruction.

  1. All unit members: refrain from attending after-school professional learning, tutoring sessions, or any after-school hourly pay work. Remember, contractually your lunchtime is duty-free.

  1. All unit members: postpone any voting on the banking of minutes or bell schedules for the next school year.

  1. Secondary teachers: refrain from covering/subbing classes during your duty-free period.

  1. Nurses: remember you are not expected to do all of your job duties in addition to contact tracing. If you are directed to contact trace, ask your administrator which of your other job duties will be removed. 


Q: How long are we expected to work to rule?

A: ABCFT leadership is requesting the work to rule campaign remain in place until we are able to reach a Tentative Agreement with the district on the 2021-2022 compensation package. 

Q: How do I work to rule while maintaining professionalism?

A: If you are unsure how to best respond to your administrator about your professional responsibilities this information may be of assistance. 

“I am a team player who cares about my students and their academic achievement. Our working conditions are our student’s learning conditions. However, I believe at this time that my contributions to my students' success are not being honored or valued by the governing school board. All stakeholders in an education community need to be valued and honored. The school board members are the leaders of the ABC educational community and they need to model how to value the worth of all stakeholders.  At this time due to the circumstances, the district has chosen to put us all in, we have decided to work to rule.”

Q: Does work to rule mean I work my contractual duty day and nothing more?

A: At this time, ABCFT leadership is requesting that ABCFT Unit Members follow the six job actions outlined above. During the work-to-rule campaign, teachers will continue to fulfill their professional responsibilities such as lesson planning, grading work, and performing the duties typically necessary to keep a class progressing through the curriculum. Teachers and nurses are encouraged to decline voluntary or extra pay assignments during the work-to-rule campaign.

Q: What if my administrator gives me a directive? Do I have to follow the directive since I’m working to rule?

A: You should follow the directive of your site administrator since they can direct your work during your duty day.      Be sure to do the following as well:

  • Ask clarifying questions about the directive. 

  • Request if there will be reasonable adjustments to your overall responsibilities. Ask what tasks you are not being asked to do as a result of the directive.

  • After having the conversation about the directive follow-up in an email identifying the main details. 

  • The intent is to follow any directives within the confines of your other contractual duties. 

  • Be sure to inform your site representative of any directives you are given.

  • If you are asked to meet with an administrator for possible disciplinary action, you have the right to union representation. ABCFT strongly encourages members to avoid meeting with their administrator/supervisors without representation. Immediately notify your site rep if you need representation. 

Q: Are all ABCFT members being asked to work to rule?

A: ABCFT leadership is requesting all tenured members to work to rule. Temporary, probationary, and permanent employees who are considered at-will are exempt from this job action. 

Q: Is there a way to show my support of the work-to-rule campaign?

A: ABCFT leadership is requesting all unit members support the work to rule campaign by wearing their blue ABCFT Public School Proud polo shirt or any blue shirt. In addition, you can write to ABC School Board members to share your experiences as a teacher or nurse during these past two challenging years. 

President, Soo Yoo -                   Vice President, Brad Beach -

Clerk, Michael Eugenio -       Trustee, Ernie Nishii -

Trustee, Chris Apodaca -           Trustee, Olga Rios -

Trustee, Sophia Tse -

Previous Editions of YOUnionews

YOUnionews January 28, 2022

YOUnionews January 21, 2022

YOUnionews January 14, 2022

ABCFT Representative Council Notes

Representative Council Minutes January 6, 2022

ABCFT Resources

ABCFT Master Contract

ABCFT Membership Benefits

YOUnion Chats:

1/18, 2/15, 3/15, 4/5, & 5/17

HOTLINKS- Contact ABCFT at ABC Federation of Teachers

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