Thursday, December 22, 2011

ABC District will not have mid-year budget cuts

Good news for all in mid year cuts!!
Here is a budet update that ABCUSD Superintendent Gary Smuts sent out to all unit members earlier this week. It must be stated that this is the result of great sacrifices shared by all stakeholders and that careful collaborative planning has taken place to make this happen. Yet another reason why ABC is a great place to work.

Here is the district memo:

As you may have heard, the Governor recently announced that nearly $1 billion in new state budget cuts will soon take effect. As a result of our District’s prudent fiscal planning and sacrifices made by all our employees this year, the impact of these budget reductions to ABC Unified School District for the 2011-12 school year will be minimal.

The total midyear budget reduction for our District is $862,000. This includes a reduction in Transportation of $606,000; Revenue Limit of $220,000 and Child Care of $36,000. The District currently has a sufficient fund balance to offset the midyear budget reductions by the State due to our proactive planning.

As a result:

There will be no change in the 2011-2012 school year.
There will be no reduction in transportation services to the students and staff.
There will be no additional furlough days for the staff in 2011-2012.
There will be no reductions in child care services or staff.
There will not be a need for reopening negotiations for 2011-2012.

Clearly, these midyear cuts are not minor to the overall impact to education. The Governor has warned of additional cuts in the future. We will continue to keep the District and community updated of how we are meeting these fiscal challenges.

Gary Smuts

Superintendent, ABC Unified School District

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